Thursday, June 30, 2011

A day off from Scooters... well almost

I must admit, it was nice to have a day where I wasn't covered in grime. Suzanne, Akiko and I had a day off in Milan.

Vittoria, the owner of the B&B, took us to the local town to catch the bus. Rather confuding. There's a 73X, a 73/ and a 73. We needed the 73/ and promptly got on (BTW, buses are really cheap here. 15km was only 1.60 Euro). Only to find, when we got back to where we had started, that the bus was going in the wrong direction. Anyway, we stayed on teh bs, and Arrived in Milan on Corso Europa. I was then on a mission to get to the Lambretta shop, which is now Sisseley.

Take a look at the building in the background of the poster and me.

Now, to get there. We walked the Length of Europa, up to the Dorma, which is a fantastic Gothic Cathedral in Milan, down Corso Vittorio Emenuele II. BIt of a walk in 32 degree heat. Got the pic, and then we started shopping! Well, what else you going to do in Milan. Akiko was after some shoes, I was after a hand bag, and Suzanne was after gifts for the grand children.

We walked back to the Dorma. Where you just see a streetscape that defines Italian.

Then you turn around, and you see this magnificent gothic cathedral

What could you do after seeing that? Look to your left and see the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, or just The Galleria:

It just so happened to be lunch time, so we thought we had better eat. BTW, what's so good about the Galleria, other than the amazing architecture? Take a look behind Akiko:

Just in case you didn't get it, it's Louis Vuton, and there's Gucci, Prada, etc. Even in Milan I, unfortunately, couldn't afford anything from there.

After lunch, we wondered back down the street. Akiko and I had already got two blouses. I got my handbag. Suzanne had spotted what she wants to get the grandkids, and Akiko was running out of options on shoes. We finally got back to where the Lambretta shop was, cut through a Glleria to find ourselves exactly where the bus stop was... so we'd walked a huge distance for no reason when we first got there... and Akiko finally got her shoes.

Arriving back at the B&B, we debated what to do for dinner. In the end, Ron and I went to a local shop and bought some cold meats, wine, cheese and tomatoes and we had a fabulous fun night in for not much money. Wine here is SOOOOO cheap!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Siobhán.

    Great to have finally found your blog. Keep it up. Its great to read others stories and get another perspective other than mums.
