Thursday, July 7, 2011

Day 3, Torgiano to Ferentino

The day is posted as Torgiano to Ferentino, getting up to 1000m above sea level, starting from 210m. However, the start was really at San Andrea d'Agliano, a good 10km away, when I hardly had any fuel. Fortunately, I made it!

Amazingly, Howard had sorted his fuel starvation problem, and Mike was riding... all be it with an extremely sore shoulder.

The day started in Mist. Actually very nice, cool inside the leathers. However, it burnt off, but by then we were seriously up in the mountains. The first few stops of the day were in quick succession, with one, Parco Acquarossa, greeting us with two planes just sticking out of the ground.

We travelled through a quite a number of places including Bastardo (Bastard). We climbed to 670m, and the had a gentle trip down to about 400m.

We then rode passed a dam, and then along the edge of a reservoir created by the dam, to be finally confronted by this mountain top village, Castel Di Tora, overlooking the reservoir. Absolutely stunning... and that's where we stopped for lunch, and a nice rest. By this time it was blazingly hot. The leathers were doing OK though, as long as I kept moving.

Then it was back in the saddle again climbing to 1000m above sea level and then finally finishing in another mountain town called Ferentino. Arriving at this town was quite incredible. You rod eup through a modern town, on a big hill, then you went through a medieval gate, and suddenly you were riding through streets that were just wide enough to get a cart through. We then came into a square, where we were met by the Ferentino culture preservation society, and the Ferentino motor club, and a good proportion of the old town. There we got beers, hung around... and hung around... and hung around, to then find we were to be escorted by a local person to our hotels. We elected to use the GPS.

Do you think, after 292km we were finished riding? Absolutely not! We had a 20 minute ride up another mountain to the hotels. Not particular nice one, but it did have a bath, which I thoroughly enjoyed. Then dinner, which didn't go on too long like the night before. We got to find out placings, and Ron and I were in equal 3rd place with a few others. Then bed, and easy day the next day... we even potentially got a lie in.

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